Tuesday 11 January 2011

Movies :-) 2010 Best of, worst, and what I am looking forward to 2011.

Hi folks :-).

Hope you guys had a good weekend. I thought that seeing as my 1st big post was about my highs of 2010 that my next one would be about one of my biggest loves ( well apart from Mtn Dew LOL) which is going to the cinema. So I thought I would share with you my favourites films from 2010 and what I am looking forward to 2011 :-).
When I get a chance I will blog about where my love of cinema came from, but for now here is the films that nearly made it into my top 10

2010 Films honorable mention List

Ok these films where good but didn't make it into my top 10

The Expendables
Tron Legacy
Up In The Air
Blind Side
Princess And The Frog
Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
Shrek : The Final Chapter
Bad Lieutenant

2010 Films My Top 10

Before I start this list is not in any order cause they are all just as good as each other, apart from my favourite film.

1 The A-Team

I know a lot of critics turned there nose up at this remake of the popular 80's show, but I loved it, in fact I have talked to a lot of my friends as well they agree with me. Being such a big fan of the show ever since I was a kid helped. It's good silly fun, and Liam NeesonBradley CooperSharlto Copley and Quinton Jackson are great as the shoulders of fortune ( Copley though steals the show as Murdoch ). I liked the film so much I went to see it 5 times at the cinema. The day it opened in America when I was holiday ( went to see it at the Showcase cinema at the providence mall ) and 4 times when it was out here in the UK.


This is a really funny black comedy, by Chris Morris that really made you think. Most of it was shot about 20 miles from where I live ( it was shot in Sheffield). I enjoyed it when I saw it at the cinema and again when I took it round my mates for Fri film night when it came out on DVD.

3 The Town

A really smart crime thriller. Ben Affleck strikes gold again as a director after the brilliant Gone Baby Gone. A fantastic cast   helps make it one of the best dramas I have seen in ages.

4 How To Train Your Dragon

This is such a brilliantly made cartoon. That's funny, heart warming and exciting and if it wasn't for the next film on my list it would join beauty and the beast and up! as an animated nominated for best picture at the oscars.

5 Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 was beyond brilliant and meet my expectations and surpassed them. It did something that never happens in all trilogies that is for the 3rd film to be the best of the lot. Pixar have never made a dud film ( I liked Cars, not many people did). Mind you it's hard that any future pixar film will top there last 3 films.

6 The Social Network

I along with most folks pointed and laughed when I heard they where making a movie of the story of Facebook and it was going to star Justin Timberlake. But I think the studio and David Fincher are having the last laugh. This was brilliant from start to finish. The performances are brilliant, the score is outstanding ( done by NIN front man Trent Reznor ) and the cinematography is marvelous. This is the favourite to win best picture at the oscars this year, who would of said that a year ago.

7 Iron Man 2

I have to admit I am a very big comic book fan. But not like some of my friends say I don't really like most comic book movies ( step forward Elektra and Spiderman 3). But I was delighted that Iron Man 2 was as good as the 1st Iron Man. This was the 1st blockbuster film to come out last summer and was one of the best. Funny in places and action packed it sets up well for when the Avengers film comes out in 2012.

8 Kick Ass

This was one heck of a fun film, ultra violent ( how it didn't get an 18 I will never know), and well written. It also had the scene with the biggest wah in 2010 :-).

9 Inception

I had such a great time watching this. Who knew that a mainstream hollywood film could be so intelligent. The story drags you in from the start and every time you watch it you pick up something new ( I watched it again on blu-ray the other day and picked something up new while watching it that I hadn't done the previous 2 times I watched it).

10 Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

My favourite film of 2010. It's funny, action packed and very well made. Some people will never get it. But if you like comic books, video games and are such a film freak like me this is a dream film. Edgar Wright follows up the awesome Hot Fuzz and Shaun Of Dead with this and it's a total joy from start to end.

And My Worst Film of 2010


A comedy that isn't funny in the slightest. Also for a film that is about 100 minutes long it is SO boring. Jonah Hill again proves he isn't very funny. Honorable mention for worst film goes to the killer inside me which was totally disgusting and badly written and Piranha 3D which was just 90 minutes of bad acting, naff 3D effects and barely action what so ever.

2011 Films I Am Really Looking Forward To

Ok here are some of the films I am really looking forward to this year

True Grit

The Coen brothers remake of the 1969 John Wayne classic. The coen brothers have never made a duff film yet and No Country For Old Men is one of my favourite all time films. Can't wait to see it when it comes out February 11th.

The Fighter

I saw the trailer the other night for this when I went to see Season Of The Witch ( which BTW is rubbish and I wouldn't even bother with it). It looks really good and I heard it is one of the best boxing movies ever and Christian Bale is amazing in it.

Fast 5 ( a.k.a The Fast And Furious 5)

I loved these films ever since I went to see the 1st one back in September 2001 with my mate at the UCI cinema in Norwich. I can't wait to see this it looks really action packed plus the rock with a beard.

Sucker Punch

From the same director of 300 and Watchmen. This looks nuts but should be one of the best action flicks this year.


Nick Frost and Simon Pegg join up for there 1st film together since Hot Fuzz. It's got an all star cast and looks really funny. It comes out in the UK on Valentine's Day which the film studio who are releasing it are dubbing as "bromance day".


Marvel's latest comic book to make it to the big screen. I saw this trailer for the 1st time on my iPhone sitting at the bottom of the stairs with the lights off after coming back from my mates at 3 in the morning. It does look really good and very action packed. Also really looking forward to Captain America as well.

Cowboys VS Aliens

From the director who brought you Iron Man, this looks like it will be 1 of the best films that will come out this summer. It has such an all-star cast which will really help it.

Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides

This looks really fun. The original Pirates of the Caribbean film is one of my all time favourite's. It should be good to see in 3D as well.

Transformers 3 Dark Of The Moon

I am one of only a handful of people who like the original series of Transformers and the 2 movies. Heck I liked Revenge Of The Fallen ( I went to see it 3 times in the cinema ). This should be one big mosh and wah feast and it's in 3D I can't wait :-).

I know there will be films that will come out of no where and make it into my 2011 best of list. I hope you like my take on films for the past year. Until later take care :-).

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