Saturday 8 January 2011

2010 A Look Back: Number 1 Good Memories :-).

Ok I am going to start my blogging by looking back at 2010. Ok I know we are a week into 2011, but I thought  it would be nice to share some of my personal highlights of 2010. I know I had a tough year, but a lot of good things happened to me last year and I would like to share with you what really made me happy in 2010 :-).

(1) Leading My 1st Service

In September of last year it was 3 years since I started going to Bridge Street church in Pilsley. I didn't know when I went there the 1st time that nearly 3 years later that I would be leading a service there for 1 of my best friends and having the support of my friends in the worship band as well.
A lot of good things have happened since I 1st went there. I have done loads of things that I never thought that I could do and that included leading a service.
I was real nervous about it but I had a lot of support from my family and friends. My dad ( who is a methodist minister ), gave me a lot of great advice and helped me a lot.
When it came to the day of the service I feeling good about things when I woke up and when I printed out the order of service. But when I got to church the nerves came back, so I went into the back put my iPod on and got focused by listening to Jay Z feat Rihanna - Run This Town ( yeah a bit of a weird song to put on at church LOL).
So when it got to the start of the service I was still a lal bit nervous but when it started all the nerves disappeared. The service started well, then all the power went. I could of thrown a hissey fit or started swearing my head or sat in a corner and started crying my eyes out. But I kept cool and even cracked a joke before the power came back on. After that everything ran smoothly and I was surprised and delighted with all the praise I got after the service. It was a joy and gave me so much pride that I lead my 1st serivice in front of my friends and my parents who where so happy to see leading a church service they would never of dreamed of that happening about 4 years ago.
Ever since that service I have lead 2 more ( once for my dad) and I have enjoyed everytime I have done it :-)

(2) My 30th Birthday Bash

I reached a milestone last year. I turned 30 in December ( yep I getting to be an old man LOL). I decided after being at my mates 40th birthday party the previous year that I thought it would be cool to celebrate my 30th bithday by having a big party, and seeing as I have friends all over the place I thought it would be nice to have all of them in one place for the 1st time.
So after my parents agreed to it in April, I started looking around for a place to hold after 2 months I found a nice little place which was the North Wingfield Community Resource Centre. I was so excited when it was booked in July, I was like a kid at Christmas LOL, And when I told everyone about and put it as an event on Facebook I was starting to really look forward to it. Especially when my friend who is a pro sound engineer jumped on board with helping me out by lending me his sound setup for the party and seeing as I have a varied music taste and a mass of music on my computer I was looking forward to being a DJ.
As time went by the more excited I got, and nearer the time I was trying not to talk about it all the time to my mates. Then it came down to the week of the party and the cold weather came in. I was getting really nervous that no one would turn up because of snow. The weather forecast kept changing over the week, from there being snow on the day of the party to cold but clear and visa versa, basically at the end of that week I was a professional meteorologist LOL. My friends from Norfolk dropped out because they had tons of snow over that week. But my friends from Cumbria where still good for coming down because they had no snow and my brother who lives in Reading who was coming up by train came up and had no snow what so ever.
It came up to the night before my party and there was no snow in the forecast for that night and I was round my mates and we where joking that they where going on amount the snow too much in the news. Low and behold when I went to leave there was about 2 inches of snow outside and it was really snowing hard, my heart just dropped. When I was driving back with it really coming down I thought the party was never going to happen.
I barely got any sleep that night, my family where trying to keep me upbeat. Thankfully we got no more snow and my friends from cumbria made it down safely. But the snow wasn't clearing and after some more of my friends dropped out and when we couldn't get up the side roads near the venue I was really glum about the party even happening. It was up to one of my best friends to keep my spirits up by saying that most of my friends will make a lot of effort to be there.
I started to feel more happy when we set my friends disco lights up and then when me and my mate set his sound setup up and playing the tunes through Virtual DJ. After I changed into my party gear ( IronMan t-shirt, baggey Jordan b'ball shorts and a pair of Lebron James Nike b'ball sneakers) my mates from cumbria turned up, then my friends started to turn up in and I was ( for the 1st time that day) starting to enjoy things. Nearly all my friends from church turned up and I was so happy and my friend said it's nice to see you happy now :-). So the rest of the night was a blast, I got to play loads of cool tunes, have a great time with my friends and I got very merry LOL. At the end of the night I had a smile like a chesire cat.I am really happy everyone had a fantastic time and I have got some many great memories to take from that night, that I will keep for the rest of my life :-).

(3) Trips

2010 I ended up going all over the place and took back some fun memories Firstly going to see the Black Eyed Peas at the O2 Arena in London then going to the after party and getting to within inches of all the members of the black eyed peas, Tom Crusie and Chris Rock. Then going to Boston in America, ok the weather was a bit iffy but I had a great time including going to see the Boston Red Sox's at Fenway Park which was a fantastic experience.
I also had a fantastic time at the 1st day Wimbledon again. The weather was fantastic I went to it 2 days after coming back off holiday from Boston. The games where great at Wimbledon. After that we stayed overnight in London and had a great time in London the next day (the weather again was fantastic).
A few weeks later I went down and visited my mates in Norfolk which was great fun and ended up with the drinking of a lot of strawberry and lime Kopparberg.
At the beginning of September I went with my mates for a day in London and then to see The Lion King in the west end later that night. It was such a fantastic day the weather was amazing and we all had such a great laugh.

(4) WideLoad

It was such a great privilege to work for my mates band for there 2 gigs last year. I had so much fun doing my michael buffer impersonation at the start of both gigs. I also had so much fun doing the videos for both gigs as well. Both gigs where hard work but great fun :-).

(5) Back To Cumbria + My Best Friend Getting Married.

1 of my best trips of 2010 was going up to Cumbria for the 1st time in 10 years to spend time with one of my best friends who I have known since we where in Junior School ( which was about over 20 years ago, yep that makes me feel old LOL). We had a great time, had a great trip into the hills then a great night out in Carlisle.
A couple of months later I went up to Glasgow to see my mate get married which was fantastic experience. I feel so happy to see him and is wife ( who is such a fantastic person) so happy together. It was a great wedding and a great weekend seeing as I have never been up to Glasgow before.

I hope you enjoyed my takes of my highs of 2010. Let's hope 2011 is even better :-).

Take care and God Bless :-).

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